Checking if your CentOS system is original or a virtualization version (OpenVZ)

As I was finding the kenel version of my Linux server I hit some issues as I ran this command. [ahmed@amayem kernel]$ uname -r 2.6.32-042stab078.28 I noticed that that version string is a bit unusal. It has stab in it. Kernel version 2.6.32 was released by and I don’t see a stab in the…

Using sudo cd problem and workarounds

Pre-requisites Root access to your server or have access to an account that has sudo powers on your servers – Instructions here to see how to give a linux user sudo powers. Setup Login as a non-priveleged user (non-root). Let’s make a directory that only root can enter: [ahmed@amayem ~]$ sudo mkdir test [ahmed@amayem ~]$…

Giving a Linx User sudo Power

There are two ways to do this. Add the user to a sudoer group Give the user sudoer powers directly We will be doing this using the root account. Common Tasks The file that holds the crux of this task is /etc/sudoers. Let’s get familiar with it: [root@amayem ~]# cat /etc/sudoers ## Sudoers allows particular…