Installing WordPress Step 1A: Installing the WordPress Directory Using yum on Linux (CentOS 6)

This post is part of a step-by-step series on installing WordPress on Linux (CentOS 6) I always prefer to install things using a package manager like yum (for RHEL and CentOS), instead of installing manually so I can avoid having to worry about dependencies. Furthermore it makes uninstalling much easier. Installing WordPress is no exception,…

Replacing (yum-plugin-replace) one yum install package (php) with another on Linux (CentOS 6)

If you have installed software from one yum repository and want to upgrade it using packages in a different yum repository you may encounter some problems because of conflicts in packages. In those cases you would have to remove the old packages then install the new ones. For example I have installed php using the…

Installing Different Versions of php Using yum on Linux (CentOS 6)

I will be installing the yum default version of php. Check You Don’t Have php Installed [ahmed@amayem ~]$ rpm -q php package php is not installed Or [ahmed@amayem ~]$ yum list installed | grep php [ahmed@amayem ~]$ We don’t have php installed let’s check what is available: Checking Available php Packages in Default yum Repositories…

Installing Latest Version of MySQL on Linux (CentOS 6) Production Server

Checking if MySQL is Already Installed [ahmed@amayem ~]$ rpm -q mysql-server package mysql-server is not installed Or you can do it this way: [ahmed@amayem ~]$ yum list installed | grep mysql [ahmed@amayem ~]$ Downloading the MySQL Yum Repository Release Package: Choose your operating system from In my case it was CentOS 6, which means…

Checking if your CentOS system is original or a virtualization version (OpenVZ)

As I was finding the kenel version of my Linux server I hit some issues as I ran this command. [ahmed@amayem kernel]$ uname -r 2.6.32-042stab078.28 I noticed that that version string is a bit unusal. It has stab in it. Kernel version 2.6.32 was released by and I don’t see a stab in the…