Installing WordPress Step 2: Setting up MySQL for WordPress using Command Line MySQL Client on Linux (CentOS 6)

This post is part of a step-by-step series on installing WordPress on Linux (CentOS 6) There are several ways to access your MySQL database, but in this tutorial we will be using command line. Before we begin we assume the following: Requirements MySQL has been installed and secured WordPress Directory has been Installed Using yum…

Four Ways to Quickly Create Files from Command Line on Unix-Like Systems (bash)

Quickly creating files in Unix-like systems from command line is pretty easy. Here are four ways to do it. Method 1: touch filename Just use the touch command followed by the filename: [ahmed@amayem ~] touch filename [ahmed@amayem ~] ls filename Method 2: > filename This is probably the easiest way: [ahmed@amayem ~] ls [ahmed@amayem ~]…