Ahmed Amayem has written 90 articles

A Web Application Developer Entrepreneur.

Migrating from Ghost to WordPress Step by Step

Ghost is a great blogging platform for those who enjoy its zen like process. If you want a bit more control like seo and social media shareability optimization plugins, then you may want to move to another platform till Ghost has those functionalities. As this blog grew I found my demands exceeded the abilities of…

Ghost JSON Export file to WordPress XML Import File Converter

This tool was last updated on Feb 27, 2015. Due to changes in Ghost and WP formats it may not work for you. A github repository with the latest working code can be found at: https://github.com/amayem/GhostJSON-to-WPXML This website will apply the latest version of the github repo. Please feel free to contribute so that the…

Upgrading Self-Installed Ghost on Linux Server (CentOS 6)

Context These are instructions for how to upgrade a self-installed ghost blog on a linux server (These instructions are used on CentOS 6). It assumes you have installed ghost yourself. This was used to upgrade ghost from 0.4 to 0.5. In this case the old ghost directory was located at /var/www/ghost. First Step Make a…

Different Methods of Backing up and Automating Backups of Ghost on Linux (CentOS 6)

You may backup ghost using the ghost UI, or using command line. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Ghost UI Command Line Easy to use Requires command line knowledge Doesn’t require stopping ghost requires stopping ghost Can’t automate (currently) Can be automated Doesn’t include images (currently) Includes images Let’s go through them: Ghost UI…