A Table of Practical Matching Differences Between Pattern Matching Notation Used in Pathname and Parameter Expansion and Extended Regular Expressions

This post is part of a series on the difference between pattern matching notation and extended regular expressions. After exploring the differences between pattern matching notation used in pathname and parameter expansion and regular expressions theoretically as well as practically, this table serves as an overview of the basic practical differences when it comes to…

Practical Explorations of the Differences Between Pattern Matching Notation Used in Pathname and Parameter Expansion and Extended Regular Expressions

This post is part of a series on the difference between pattern matching notation and extended regular expressions. In the previous post we talked about the differences between pattern matching and regular expressions in a POSIX compatible system. In this post we will do some practical testing of the previous post to help our understanding.…

A Theoretical Summary of the Differences Between Pattern Matching Notation Used in Pathname and Parameter Expansion and Extended Regular Expressions

This post is part of a series on the difference between pattern matching notation and extended regular expressions. It is the standard (according to POSIX) that the shell have some interesting pattern matching abilities in its parameter and pathname expansions (called Pattern Matching Notation). However, they do not use the standards for regular expression (also…

A Series on the Differences Between Pattern Matching Notation Used in Pathname and Parameter Expansion and Extended Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are important tools for programmers, however they are not the same as the pattern matching notation used by POSIX compliant shells. When using shells such as bash (which seems to be POSIX compliant at least with regex and pattern matching notation) it is important not to fall into the trap of thinking that…

Solving the Mystery of the Regular Expression Special Operator Star * Not Matching Anything (Matching the Null String)

When using regular expressions the * special operator is very useful. An expression followed by * matches a sequence of 0 or more matches of the expression. When the whole expression is followed by a * we get some intersting behaviour that people may not have expected. We will explore such behaviour in this post.…