Adding disqus comments to ghost themes on linux server

Getting the Disqus code First you will need to make an account on Disqus. Login to your disqus account and go to settings. Click on universal code to get the code you need. Copy the code. It should look something like this: <div id=”disqus_thread”></div> <script type=”text/javascript”> /* * * CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT BEFORE PASTING INTO…

Installing a ghost theme on linux centos server

I will be using centos logging in through ssh. I assume you have git installed. If not simply issue this command: yum install git To install new themes in ghost we need to put the new themes in the ghostdir/content/themes directory. So first thing’s first let’s go there. [ahmed@amayem ~]$ cd /var/www/ghost/content/themes/ You should be…

Adding Analytics (Google or other) to Ghost blog

We have our ghost blog up and running and we want to know who, if anyone, is actually looking at our site. So we want to get some google analytics on the our posts. As of version 0.4 of ghost, you can’t add google analytics from the admin board, so we will have to do…