Running a Node.js app (ghost) in the background continuously with Supervisor (Supervisord)

Pre-requisites Root access to your server or have access to an account that has sudo powers on your servers – Instructions here. nodejs and npm installed – Instructions here. ghost installed and a ghost user made to run ghost – Instructions here. What is supervisor From the official supervisor page, Supervisor is a client/server system…

Switching from root to ghost user; forever and database permissions issue

The situation You’ve installed ghost on your server (in my case centos) You’ve installed forever You’re running ghost through forever as root. The only problem is you don’t want to run it as root as it is not a good idea to be running ghost, or any public app as root or with root priveleges.…

Running a Node.js app (ghost) with forever and crontab on linux (CentOS)

Pre-requisites Root access to your server or have access to an account that has sudo powers on your servers – Instructions here to see how to give a linux user sudo powers. nodejs and npm installed – Instructions here. ghost installed and a ghost user made to run ghost – Instructions here What is forever…

Installing ghost on production linux server (CentOS)

Pre-requisites Root access to your server or have access to an account that has sudo powers on your servers – Instructions here to see how to give a linux user sudo powers. nodejs and npm installed – Instructions here. Installing Where to install First let’s decide where to put the ghost directory. I chose /var/www/,…

Adding disqus comment counts to ghost themes on linux server

You should first have disqus comments in your posts enabled. Check this post to see how. Log on to your linux ssh terminal and lets go to the ghost themes directory. [ahmed@amayem ~]$ cd /var/www/ghost/content/themes/ You should be running ghost using its own user, which is probably called ghost. Since we will be modifying things…