Setting Up Pretty Permalinks in WordPress Using htaccess and mod_rewrite on Linux (CentOS 6)

This post is part of a step-by-step series on installing WordPress on Linux (CentOS 6) Getting pretty permalinks to work properly on WordPress has turned out to be a much more involving process than what I was expecting, which is a bit annoying. None the less we gotta do what we gotta do. Requirements WordPress…

Enabling php in Apache on Linux (CentOS 6) by Loading the Module in httpd.conf

Though installing different versions of php using yum should enable php automatically on Apache 2.2, in case there is a problem and it is not enabled this tutorial shows how to enable it. Make Sure php Is Installed We are assuming php has already been installed. If yum was used you can check this way:…

Viewing the Apache Modules Available on your Disk (Linux (CentOS 6))

If you wish to see the Apache modules available on your disk, perhaps to see the spelling when modifying the httpd.conf, then go to the following directory: [ahmed@amayem ~]$ cd /etc/httpd/ [ahmed@amayem httpd]$ ls conf conf.d logs modules run The modules directory is what we are after: [ahmed@amayem httpd]$ cd modules [ahmed@amayem modules]$ ls…