This post is part of a step-by-step series on installing WordPress on Linux (CentOS 6)
I always prefer to install things using a package manager like yum
(for RHEL and CentOS), instead of installing manually so I can avoid having to worry about dependencies. Furthermore it makes uninstalling much easier. Installing WordPress is no exception, luckily it can be done using yum
. However if you wish to install it directly without yum
then check here
The official requirements are as follows:
- PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
- MySQL version 5.0 or greater
If you wish to install these separately you may do so using the following tutorials:
However, the beauty of yum
is it should resolve these dependencies for you. First we need to find a repo that has WordPress.
EPEL: A Repo that has WordPress
Choose your OS here. I will be installing on CentOS 6:
[ahmed@amayem ~]$ sudo rpm -Uvh
Check here to see how to give a linux user sudo powers.
Checking the WordPress Version:
[ahmed@amayem ~]$ yum info wordpress
Gives us the following:
Name : wordpress
Arch : noarch
Version : 3.9.2
Release : 3.el6
At the time of installation this was the most recent version.
As always with yum
this is very easy:
[ahmed@amayem ~]$ sudo yum install wordpress
Check that all the dependencies are being installed. Make sure you are happy with the versions of both php
and MySQL
. If you are unhappy then check these tutorials to show you which repos you need to install to get the latest versions:
As always with the prompts enter y
, and it should end with the following:
Important Documentation
When looking at the info for the wordpress as follows:
[ahmed@amayem ~]$ yum info wordpress
There is an important statement at the end:
: Important information in /usr/share/doc/wordpress-3.9.2/README.fedora
Let’s take a look:
[ahmed@amayem ~]$ cat /usr/share/doc/wordpress-3.9.2/README.fedora
We will find some more documentation on how to continue including the following important directories:
Important Files and Directories
Config File
The README.fedora
file had this line:
Next, you need to edit your /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php file
So now we know that the config file is located at, /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php
. Let’s take a look at it:
WP Base Directory
[ahmed@amayem ~]$ cat /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php
cat: /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php: Permission denied
We are missing the sudo
[ahmed@amayem ~]$ cat /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php
Near the bottom we will see the following:
/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
define('ABSPATH', '/usr/share/wordpress');
Now we know that the base directory is at /usr/share/wordpress
. Let’s visit it:
[ahmed@amayem wordpress]$ ls
index.php wp-config-sample.php wp-login.php
wp-activate.php wp-content wp-mail.php
wp-admin wp-cron.php wp-settings.php
wp-blog-header.php wp-includes wp-signup.php
wp-comments-post.php wp-links-opml.php wp-trackback.php
wp-config.php wp-load.php xmlrpc.php
Missing Functionality
There is a caution mentioned at the end of the yum info
of the package:
WordPress ships with Flash and Silverlight plugins for the 'plupload' file uploader and the 'mediaelement' media player embedder. The idea is to try and be able to provide a multi-file uploader and an embedded video player when HTML5 is not available (or does not support the video format in question). These plugins are provided as pre-built binaries and there is no mechanism for building them from source during WordPress compilation. As the inclusion of pre-built binaries is against Fedora policy - see - these plugins have been removed from the Fedora package. As a consequence:
a) any WordPress element or plugin that uses the 'plupload' will only present an HTML5-based multi-file uploader if HTML5 is supported by the user's browser or an HMTL4-based single-file uploader in HTML5 is not supported. No Flash or Silverlight-based multi-file uploader will be provided.
b) If you try to embed media into a WordPress post using the and short tags, the media player will be visible if the reader is using a browser that has HTML5 support for the media format in question; if not, the 'Download Media' link will be offered. No Flash or Silverlight-based player element will be included.
So it will be missing these things, if this is OK with you then continue otherwise we will have to install manually without using yum.
Next Steps
- Setting Up MySQL Database
- Updating wp-config.php with Database Settings and Security Keys
- Deciding the Site Root Directory and Moving Files there
- Running the WordPress php Install Script