Installing WordPress (Site and MultiSite) on Linux (CentOS 6) Full Step-by-Step Series

The following are the steps I went through to install WordPress on my Linux (CentOS 6).

Installing Prerequisites

  1. Installing Different Versions of php Using yum on Linux (CentOS 6)
  2. Installing MySQL on Linux (CentOS 6) Production Server

Installing WordPress

  1. Installing the WordPress Directory
    1. Using yum
    2. Without yum
  2. Setting Up MySQL Database
  3. Updating wp-config.php with Database Settings and Security Keys
  4. Deciding the Site Root Directory and Moving Files there
  5. Running the WordPress php Install Script

MultiSite WordPress Preparation and Installation

  1. Setting up Pretty Permalinks in WordPress:
    1. Using htaccess and mod_rewrite
    2. WITHOUT htaccess
  2. Creating a WordPress MultiSite Network on Linux (CentOS 6)
  3. Installing a Plugin (MU (MultiSite) Domain Mapping) on a MultiSite WordPress Installation

Backing Up

  1. Backing Up WordPress and Database using Secured Akeeba


  1. Updating WordPress Manually on a Linux (CentOS 6) Step-by-Step

Ahmed Amayem has written 90 articles

A Web Application Developer Entrepreneur.