Intro to the blog

Alhamdulillaah. I finally have it up!
Welcome to the blog.

Often throughout life I find myself spending a lot of time trying to learn new things. I accomplish such feats either by trial and error, or by researching other people’s solutions (usually on the internet).

Most often I do not find one comprehensive solution that fulfills my need. Of course the process is very educational, and I usually find a solution. The only problem is the solutions are relevant at the time I found them, and might not be relevant again for some time. However, when the time I need that solution comes again, I’ve already forgotten it. Argh! I vaguely remember looking at certain sites or doing certain things, but man if I had just recorded how I did it. By recording how I did it in this blog I will have saved myself the trouble of reresearching the issue. Furthermore, by forcing myself to write it down and putting it in public, I am forcing myself to thoroughly investigate the issue. Of course I hope to benefit others as well with the solutions I find.

So in summary the blog is a personal reference and educational tool, which I hope may be beneficial to others as well. Enjoy.

Ahmed Amayem has written 90 articles

A Web Application Developer Entrepreneur.